
Corn Allergy Discussion

Soy Allergy Discussion

Helpful info that I have been able to come across so far:

1) When new to allergy, a lot of sufferers don't realize their reactions are actually anaphylactic, which can be potentially dangerous. Like, even mild allergy-induced edema, funny enough IS dehydration. But in a twisted way - the water goes out of the inner organs into the skin layers and sadly, this is one of the reasons why allergies are a life-threat. Hydration is one o the things allergics (and heart symptom patients) get in ER.. In case with allergy induced edema, heart doesn't get enough blood to pump and sometimes THAT is the cause of a deadly threat in allergic people, the so called "empty heart" .. So if you have a reaction, drink lots of water.. An article on that here:

2) World Allergy Organization Guidelines for the Assessment

4)Inflammation, including joint inflammation can be an allergic reaction, too:

5) Looking for safe foods but keep failing even the corn-free versions? Cross-reactivity is a big deal for me personally, unfortunatley. Here's some info on what else, besides corn can give you corn-induced allergic reactions:

6) Cross reactivity takes place not only with corn allergic, it can be an issue to with any allergy. Cross reactive foods list:

8)Food families are something to consider for the allergy sufferers:

9)Allergic people can be sensitive, or not very sensitive. Reactive or not very reactive. Sensitive but not reactive. Reactive but not sensitive.. Do you know what you are? Sensitivity vs reactivity:

10) FDA now confirms that protein-free corn products are not safe for corn allergic:

FDA warns - corn in oxygen tubing:

11) Kounis syndrome, or heart anaphylaxis is a specific form of a deadly allergic reaction:

12) Allergies, pro-inflammatory substances, cortisol, adrenal fatigue. All connected:

13) The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.... has released new guidelines about definition, diagnosis, and management of food allergies:

14) Kind of universal since it mentions general things too, like histamine-hypoglycemia connection: some  suffer from more then an allergy. There's also an illness connected to histamins your body produces - histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance and mast cell activation - nice chart with symptoms etc.:

15)Mast cell stabilizers vs Anti-histamines:

16)The "full bucket" allergy theory unmasked. Or why things get worse for some allergics.

17) Allergic inflammation - allergies and inflammation go had in hand:

18) Allergy is a type I hypersensitivity. Are there more? Yes:


19) Fungal arthritis - took antibiotics? Have joint pain?  Have candida overgrowth? More on that :

20) Have joint pain? Is it from uric acid buildup? Not only in your big toe, but called "gout" for short?


Purines that your body produces:

21)Gout and Vit B12 can gang up on ya :

22)So can do gout and Molybdenum:

23)An interesting take on how to manage gout:

24)Gout is not friends with potassium bicarbonate:

25)Gout. Remedies.:

26)Gout. Purines. :

What causes high uric acid. Autoimmune disease, anyone?
Proteolytic phase of starvation (body breaks down your own proteins) raises uric acid.
Tryptase is responsible for proteolysis in your body, AND it is one of the Pharmacologic Mediators of Immediate Hypersensitivity / allergy

27) Pseudo gout:

28) Ps.Gout and Vitamin B6 (p5p) can gang up on susceptible individuals: be continued

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